That's it then. Season is over. Winter 2011-12, Morzine, done and dusted. Epic. That's pretty much all I can say about it to encompass just how awesome it was for me. Yes there were down moments, times when I was homesick, when things weren't going quite right, work issues, relationships that proved problematic and days where riding didn't even come into the picture frame. On the flipside, or sunny side, there's been friendships forged, skills learnt, fun times, happy times, drunken times, powder days, slush days, sunny days, laughs, above all so many laughs. I cannot stress enough what an amazing experience doing a season can be. I'm going back for more, without a doubt.
Looking back at the events that led me to do a season I find it hard to believe that a relatively short time ago, in the grand scheme of things, I was licking my war wounds and trying desperately to mend a broken heart and spirit. Looking back at that person it's hard to equate her with who I am today, but of course what doesn't kill us makes us stronger and makes us the person we are. To throw another cliche into the mix, time heals, and time well spent in the mountains has certainly helped to heal. Things happen for a reason and though you might not see it at the time, you will get it one day.
So much to look forward to and so many happy memories from the season. Can't wait to catch up over the next few weeks with friends old and new before I head off on the next adventure... the summer season!