Monday, 13 February 2012

Half way, half term

Can you believe it? It's half way through my season. The snow is still white, pristine and sparkly but the shiny veneer of the season has slipped a bit. Yes it's sad to say but cracks have appeared. I'm happy in the work that I do, I'm content that I'm giving my guests what they want and I'm pretty certain that they're happy too. It's other people that are the problem. When there's a problem at the core it doesn't take long for the rot to spread, no matter how well you try to protect yourself from it. When it starts to really affect those that you've come to hold dear, it is very upsetting indeed. I hope against hope that the rot can be halted.

As I'm a "demi" way through my season I feel like it's time to reflect and to look forward. There's a few weeks that have gone by in silence and there's some catching up to do, so let's do that. Lots of guests, lots of snow, a bit of partying and a bit of riding. Had a crush on a guest, OMG, awkward but fun too! Best guests so far of the season - the young Drs. They were awesome, it felt like I had a big bunch of my friends staying and I miss them, honestly. Worst guests of the seasons... that's a secret, I have to retain some shred of professionalism please! New friends, I have lots, some will last and I guess some won't. Old friends, I miss them and often wish they could be here with me, thank you to those of you who have been out here with me, it means the world to me. A song, a phrase, a joke or something like that will remind me of old friends and the place I've been calling home for a few years, Sunny Tunny Wells, and I will feel a pang of separation. I wouldn't call it homesickness, because I'm not homesick anymore, in fact I'm happy to be out of Tunbridge Wells. I think you can get too comfortable in a place and confuse it for security, in fact it's not security but complacency and a bit of fear of the unknown. If there's one thing that I'm taking away from this season it's that I can do it, I can go away from the comfort zone and my world won't implode and that no matter where you are, your friends are still your friends. So in the frame of mind of looking forward, that's exactly what I'm going to do, expand my horizons even further and see if I can stay here for the summer too. If not here then hopefully there will be other options for a summer abroad.

My riding has not come on nearly as much as I'd hoped, but then that's because I've not been on the mountain nearly as much as I'd hoped. I have to address the work-life balance, which is hard for someone who is conscientious and wants to excel. I had a hard time of it 7-10 days ago, I was putting everything in and felt like I was heading further and further into a downward spiral. Thing is that you get tired, either through work, riding or partying and then you work slower. The slower you work the less time you get off away from the chalet and the more demotivated you become because you're never away from the chalet and seem to be working 24/7. It's a vicious circle and you need to really fight to get out of the quagmire. So I've made a promise to myself and set myself a goal, and I do love a good goal or target. My riding will improve and I will be out on the mountain more (that's a summation of course, my overall goal is split into achievable targets which I won't bore you with). I've got 10-11 weeks left, so best hustle!

I have other aspirations for the remainder of my season and I will start to work on those tomorrow, which also happens to be Valentine's day. Let's see what delights this marketing dream of a day will bring.

Karma, by the way, if you're ever in any doubt, definitely will kick your ass one day, and that thought has got to be comforting (and possibly worrying for some of you?).

I think that just about does it for me for now. I'm sure that once I hit the publish button I will think of a few more things to have included, as is usually the case.

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