I've just landed. Back from a week at my Dad's in Portugal. The holiday was brilliant, great weather, great food, great company, as always. I always have a great time with my Dad.
The reason why this entry is titled forks in my ears is because that's what I wanted to do to myself on the flight back from Lisbon. Just so that I wouldn't have to listen to any more of the inane drivel that was passing as conversation on my flight. The couple sharing my row talked in painstaking detail, for the best part of an hour, about every single meal they had consumed during their holiday. Not in a foodie way mind you, just talking basics, not extolling the virtues of an Atlantic oyster versus the characteristics of one from the Mediterranean, just the mere basics of what they ate, what time of day and where they were. I don't think I've ever heard such a dull conversation about something that can be really very exciting.
Across the gap into seats d, e and f there was a middle aged couple and one other person. Thankfully for her she fell asleep instantaneously and was spared the two and a half hours of sudoku arguing, flight analysis to ease the woman's frayed nerves, a discussion on 'serif vs sans serif' and an in depth guide to the intricacies of the man's iPad. This last one was particularly interesting because he had absolutely no clue what he was talking about and in essence what he told the woman was that an iPad is magic, it's powered by magic, works like magic and presumably, I'm extrapolating here, you pay for it with magic... Magic beans perhaps?!
Yes, I could well have put my headphones in and listened to music, if only I'd been less efficient when packing, my headphones were in my case in the belly of the magic flying beast.